Monday, October 14, 2013

Katniss used a mockingjay pin as her district token in her first Hunger Games and again in her second. Because of what she did in her Hunger Games, this taken became the symbol of the rebellion. The rebellion started because of Katniss so the saw her as their leader even though she was only the face of it. The lashing out against the Capitol had gotten worse when Katniss was placed in the 75th Hunger Games. When that happened the districts started attacking the peacekeepers. As the games went on the rebellion became worse and worse. There were tributes within the games that allied themselves with Katniss so they could protect her until they were broken out. When she was broken out she found out that the rebellion was happening in all of the districts now. She was told that they were going to District 13 which was were every strategic attack was planed  so that they could overthrow the Capitol.

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