Monday, October 14, 2013

Ever since Katniss Everdeen volunteered as tribute for her little sister Primin the 74th Hunger Games the people of Panem have been watching her closely. She had always been the odd one out in the Capitol because it was hard for her to relate to these people who dress and act so differently. These people who have never had to go a day without a meal or fight for their food. When she pulled the nightlock out of her pocket at the end of the 74th Hunger Games to force the gamemakers to crown both her and Peeta victors people thought she was rebelling against the Capitol. At this point she had ignited a "spark" that grows into a rebellion against the Capitol. When she is forced to fight in the 75th Hunger Games President Snow "convinces" her to try and put out the rebellion. But giving Katniss more air time on the TV only made it grow. By the end of Catching Fire there is an all out rebellion against the Capitol the Katniss started.

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