Monday, October 14, 2013

Catching Fire is one of the best books I have ever read. It has everything you would want in a book. It has lots of violence, suspense, and even a love story. No matter what genera of book you like you could probably find it in Catching Fire. So if you like any of the things I mentioned you should start the Hunger Games series and I promise you will love it.
Katniss was never afraid to do what she had to do. Even when it looked like she would have no way out she never gave up. She was willing to do anything to protect her loved ones. Even if it meant risking her life in the woods everyday for food or volunteering as tribute for her little sister. She never let all of her burdens and responsibilities bring her down or stop her from doing what she had to do. No matter how high the odds were stacked up against her she continued to fight.
Katniss used a mockingjay pin as her district token in her first Hunger Games and again in her second. Because of what she did in her Hunger Games, this taken became the symbol of the rebellion. The rebellion started because of Katniss so the saw her as their leader even though she was only the face of it. The lashing out against the Capitol had gotten worse when Katniss was placed in the 75th Hunger Games. When that happened the districts started attacking the peacekeepers. As the games went on the rebellion became worse and worse. There were tributes within the games that allied themselves with Katniss so they could protect her until they were broken out. When she was broken out she found out that the rebellion was happening in all of the districts now. She was told that they were going to District 13 which was were every strategic attack was planed  so that they could overthrow the Capitol.

Ever since Katniss Everdeen volunteered as tribute for her little sister Primin the 74th Hunger Games the people of Panem have been watching her closely. She had always been the odd one out in the Capitol because it was hard for her to relate to these people who dress and act so differently. These people who have never had to go a day without a meal or fight for their food. When she pulled the nightlock out of her pocket at the end of the 74th Hunger Games to force the gamemakers to crown both her and Peeta victors people thought she was rebelling against the Capitol. At this point she had ignited a "spark" that grows into a rebellion against the Capitol. When she is forced to fight in the 75th Hunger Games President Snow "convinces" her to try and put out the rebellion. But giving Katniss more air time on the TV only made it grow. By the end of Catching Fire there is an all out rebellion against the Capitol the Katniss started.

In all of the books of the Hunger Game series Katniss does everything she can to protect Prim. When Prim's name is drawn at the reaping she volunteers to take Prim's place as tribute. President Snow threatened her family and she did evrything she could to protect them. When she finds out she will have to fight in the Hunger Games again she knows she won't live through this one because she vows to herself that she will protect Peeta no matter what because he saved her life in the 74th Hunger Games. Peeta is also determined to do anything he can to make sure Katniss comes back alive. When Haymitch's name is drawn he immediately volunteers as tribute so that he can protect her from within the games.
The hover crafts are used by the Capitol for many things. They use it to transport the tributes to the arena for the Hunger Games. During the Hunger Games they take the dead tributes from the arena once everyone has left the area. They are also used to capture people who have escaped from their district in the woods. After the Hunger Games concludes it take the winner to the capitol and while on board they are given medical care. The rebels use them to break Katniss and her allies out of the arena at the end of Catching Fire. Once the force field is down they drive it in, pick up the tributes they need for the rebellion and the leave. They are headed to District 13 which was thought to be destroyed but is actually the headquarters for the rebellion.
The "Lightning Tree" in the arena was used to escape. At midnight and noon lightning hits this tree as one of the trap set in the arena. Beetee had the idea to wrap some wire around the tree and put the other end of the wire in the water. He tells Katniss that this is how he plans to kill the Careers that have their camp set up on the beach. The plan is that when the wave hit the beach the beach will still be wet at noon when the lightning hits the tree. When the lightning hit the tree the electricity will travel through the wire in to the water. This will electrocute the tributes on the wet beach. But the actual plan was to overload the force field so Haymitch could come in with the hovercraft and take them out of the arena.